For this project, the cornerstone of my ART303: Branding and Visual Identity course at Point Loma Nazarene University in the Spring of 2019 (taught by Professor Wendy Belt), I was tasked to create a brand identity for a fictional resort / hotel of my own creation.
This included a lot of brainstorming, as well as researching various other resorts around the world, surveying others to discover what they look for in a vacation setting, and coming up with the concept of the resort experience itself as well as the visual brand identity.
The resort I came up with is Stereophonic, a musically themed resort and hotel located in Carlsbad, California, a place centered around the creation of an immersive, positive, educational, and both personal and communal experience for guests through the sounds and cultures surrounding the Western pop music of the last seventy years.

including moodboard, sketches, and visual elements brainstormed

effectively communicates and displays the final brand identity, as well as numerous print and digital applications